Luis Angel Leguizamon Приложения

Laudato Si 1.4
Luis Angel Leguizamon
" Laudato Si " is the title of the secondencyclical written by Pope Francis signed on May 24, 2015 and filedon June 18 , 2015. It is about the care of the " common house" thatis our planet ."I invite accompany the publication with a renewed attention tosituations of environmental degradation , but also improvement intheir own territories This encyclical is addressed to all . Prayfor us all to get your message and grow in responsibility towardsthe house common that God has entrusted to us , "Pope Francis said. This application presents the text of the encyclical can beaccessed by chapters or point by point.In reading points, also it offers the opportunity to hear the text.We hope this application allows reading of this important andinnovative for its theme document. ( Father Luis Leguizamón )
Congreso Eucarístico Tucumán 3.1
Luis Angel Leguizamon
Del 16 al 19 de Junio de 2016 se realizará enTucumán el XI Congreso Eucarístico Nacional en el marco delBicentenario de la Independencia de la República Argentina.Un Encuentro que busca poner a Cristo Eucaristía en el centro denuestra vida y de nuestra historia como NaciónTodos estamos invitados a participar.¡Jesucristo, Señor de la Historia, te necesitamos!From 16 to June 19, 2016will be held in Tucumán the XI National Eucharistic Congress in theBicentennial of the Independence of Argentina.A meeting that seeks to put Christ in the Eucharist at the centerof our life and our history as a nationWe are all invited to participate.Jesus Christ, Lord of history, we need you!
Bingo Familiar 1.1
Luis Angel Leguizamon
A version that does not require connection to spend a good timewith friends
Bendicional Catolico 2.0
Luis Angel Leguizamon
Simple Blessings for Catholic Priests and Deacons
Jubileo de la Misericordia 1.5
Luis Angel Leguizamon
A tool to help us live the Jubilee of Mercy
Magisterio de la Iglesia Catól 2.0
Luis Angel Leguizamon
App to access the reading and study of Church documents